Climing out of the International Rabbit hole..ranting as i go, ironing out the idiosyncrasies of life....

Monday 5 November 2012


SO fashion.....

I know little about the week by week changes of high street fashion, however i have noticed some strange irregularities.

I currently go to a State College where there is no dress code, this means that i don't have to try hard in order to work out what the latest trends are. I have recently noticed a design trend that has sparked my attention:

There is a new trend of t-shirt and jumper design where it shows a famous landmark of major word capitals, however the design is always clad in triangles.....strange. There also are, other designs of t-shirts without Major cities on but still with triangles, given the huge Illuminati hype of late, this seems more then coincidence.

If you don't find this out of the blue, then see

These 'coincidences' seem to be adding up wouldn't you agree? There has also been talk about secret involvement in the music industry 'pimping' famous artists:

I don't know the details of the situation, and none of what is being accused is fact. Even if there is a secret order who control the world, could the same not be said about any god or deity you choose to believe in?

I am just reading between the lines.

Below are link for a few articles of clothing relating to what i was saying.
see here:

Grey Marl London Print Crew Sweatshirt - click to view
This is a prime example, could it be another sign of Illuminati dominance?


Wednesday 31 October 2012

Historical Illusion of the 'State'....

I've been researching the Illuminati for about a year now.

While researching, I discovered something incredible:

*forgive my bleak knowledge of historic details*

The Illuminati, derive from the Knights Templars.

King george II (i think) was forced to sign the Magna Carta, which in actual fact was not a document of freedoms and laws as we are taught in school. The Magna Carta was a document of Rome, and it had been worded so that when signed by the king of England gave all ownership of the country to Rome. This was the case with the whole of Great Britain and France......all this stems back to what is now called the Illuminati.

The same thing happened with America, when the founding fathers signed the declaration of independence  many of them were already members of the Roman cult and the declaration speaks of ownership of the 'estate' rather then the states....this and other clever legal wording literally means that america isn't owned by America....if you don't believe me, do your own research.

What this all basically means is that, although 'Illuminati' is just a buzz word, there is a modern day  derivative to the Knights Templars that quite literally own/run the world.

An example of this :

The queen has shares in a company, and the previous prime minister of Australia want to get rid of that particular company for some unrelated reason. The queen sends a member of this secrete organisation to Australia and the Prime Minister is replaced......later the man who made that change happen died in a car crash....thus the queens large investment remains protected. odd? not as odd as the details.....the man who or-castrated the ridding of the bad PM, was given a position In this 'Illuminati' organisation  amongst people such as Bush and Blair......however he claimed he was going to publicise their secrets, and thus he died.

think what you want, i just point out the irregularities to the stories that don't feature in the 'Sun'.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

I phone, about my Iphone.

Buying an Iphone – the bit they don’t tell you.

I like most people, are have been looking at the new offering from apple ever since it was announced. As it happened I was due an upgrade at the rough time of release and I ordered my very own iphone, but the journey was not an enjoyable one.
The first stage of buying an iphone  is to have the money, which is no small feat for an unemployed student, however I happened to have the cash at the time. I had read about the huge sales in the first weekend and how most shops are sold out. Apple in fact sold 2.1 million iphone during the first weekend, and this was enough to inform me that It would be a wiser choice to order the item online, which suited me perfectly as I was more comfortable on my sofa anyway.
My first issue arose when the bank decided that because I had recently changed my Address, I must be a fraud. ‘CARD DECLINED, CONTACT PROVIDER’ was the message I saw. This was no real issue because I could simply transfer my father the cash and he could order it on my behalf, this was not the case.  The bank, in all their wisdom, decided to block my card for online money transfers for a week, great. Now for the next part of the story, it is imperative for you to realise that my personality is a toxic blend of laziness and hot headedness, the laziness stung me first, I thought that I could simply go to a cash point and withdraw the cast to give to my father and then he could pay from his card which would eliminate the problem, but as aforementioned I am lazy; I decided to ask my friend who was at my house at the time to go to the cash point for me.  I told my friend my pin and he went off to the cash point, however, two minutes later I get the call to say he had forgotten however he had already got the pin wrong twice, no matter I said try it again, just make sure you get it right. He did, but by the third attempt it was too late. The bank had now blocked my card for cash removal. There was no other option but to call the sodding bank, and sure enough I was greeted by an animated tone informing me how busy the call department was and that I would have to wait for 45 minutes, well its either wait or no iphone so like a materialistic sucker I waited patiently.

When I finally got to an adviser I was immediately transferred to the fraud department, who told me that I had been making to many changes to my account and I was far to irregular with my spending habits, I calmly informed them that I wanted an iphone and that I was prepared to create social anarchy to get one, which did not work.
“Im sorry MR. Hilferty, but your going to have to come into a branch to sort this out”.
Like a baby I ran to my father and got him to buy it, and have since had the same problem twice over the space of a weekend, the fraud department now know me on a first name basis. A quick tip for those who experience similar problems; if you ask to speak to a employee of higher authority, what that means to the call centre worker is to put you on hold for 20 minutes.

It is my wish one day to become rich, and once I have I shall buy Halifax; let see if Halifax block my card when I’m trying to buy Halifax, now that would be an interesting call to the fraud department.

Friday 27 July 2012

50 Shades of Shit

This summer has seen a new trend, mainly amongst the female sex. This is a book, called "50 Shades of Grey".

I have seen countless women of all ages reading this book, and upon inquiery about the book i have been informed that it is a heart wrenching love story. seems legit? It would certainly explain why i never see any men reading it.

I read recently that this book is the fastest selling paper back in history, that means it has eclipsed the giant that is the Harry potter series. When i found out about this ridiculous success i delved deeper and decided to read it. I did not want to buy the book, so i read a few chapters of my friends copy......FUCK ME...

This book is not romantic, it is not even about love.....what this book is, is filth. I flicked through the book, reading random extracts and i can genuinely say i was shocked.

The funny thing is, men are regarded to be sex crazed, porn watching animals and women are the sophisticated counterparts who do not engage in such interests. But im afraid women of the world, the secret is out, you might think while sitting on the train, that only other readers know what filth is on those pages......not any more. I can no longer keep a straight face when i see a 15 year old girl reading this book, because i know her engaged look is a result of a lurid and detailed sex scene.

This book is no longer a secret club, we all know.

If a guy was watching porn on his phone on a train, that would seem revolting?
But if a girl reads a page of a book which contains a vivid description of the same act, that's fine?

girls.....nice try,

I refuse to read the whole book, but i presume the film will be out soon.....on Pornhub.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Andy Murray

So, im sat here in front of my tv watching the Wimbledon final.

The final is Roger Federer vs Andy Murray and what annoys me, is that Murray has the whole nation behind him, and yet we all know that this will not end in a British victory. We will be disappointed.

There has always been a joke, that when Murray is playing well he is "British" and when he loses he quickly reverts to being "Scottish", and i am all for that diagnosis, but the 'plucky' Brit will never be able to beat the suave and cool Europeans such as the Swiss Roger Federer.

What we need is steroids. its the only way. Why don't we pump all our sports men and women full of steroids and let them go around the world beating the shit out of our foreign counterparts?

we could win Wimbledon, the world cup, the 100m and even the tour de France!

This is not madness, in fact it is the exact obvious, it is raw patriotism and i think that this is something the nation on the whole is rather lacking.

Yes, we fill up Wimbledon with our tweed jackets and frilly hats eating strawberry's and cream. But there is no passion. Gone are the days when a crowd of Brits would storm the pitch on victory and when pub landlords would offer free ale to those who had come to there establishment to celebrate a British victory.

I don't care if we become the leading nation for scrabble and chess, but i just want all the hype that we give to our sports people to be worth the effort!

..if you were wondering, in the time it took me to write the above, Andy Murray has lost another two games. Stupid Scotsman.